"Mr. Yogi" is an Indian television series that was originally aired in 1989 on Doordarshan, the public service broadcaster in India. The show was based on the novel "Mr. Yogi" by Ranjana Jhanji and was directed by the famous Indian film director, Kundan Shah. The series revolves around the story of a young, suave, and sophisticated businessman named Yogesh Ishwarlal Patel, who is fondly referred to as "Mr. Yogi". The show follows his adventures as he travels across India in search of a suitable ...
The serial Dil Dariya (1988) directed by Lekh Tandon, primarily revolved around Punjab and its culture. The main plot may be jotted down as a tension between two families which still prevails even now.
Sanjha Chula (Community Stove) is a common place in Punjab where women used to prepare their meals together. This series of drama signifies the essence of Sanjha Chula in the society. Gossips, resolutions, conflicts, friendships, union and breakups happen at Sanjha Chula.
Doosra Kewal was Shahrukh Khan’s first television serial. The story is of a family in which "Kewal"(Shahrukh Khan), a village lad goes to the town and never returns. The story is told in flashback by his mother, sister and the villagers. Shahrukh dies while trying to stop his friend from becoming a terrorist. At the end, Keval's friend (Shahrukh in a double role) visits his home and his family accepts him as the second Keval. Subscribe to the channel by clicking https://www.youtube.com/channel/U ...
The story of Chunni shows the bonding and separation of two close friends, Hardayal Singh and Kamaljeet. This is the story of highs and lows in their lives. The differences between these two fast friends changes to rivalry because of greed and misunderstanding? But it is the younger generation of the family, who are in a position to iron out the differences and unite the friends. Subscribe to the channel by clicking https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWxqSvqiH8PGpSNPSVtFwGw?sub_confirmation=1 To ...